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Live Webinar

The Fallout of Domestic Abuse on Kids: Clinical Strategies to Address Parental Coercive Control

Christine Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW
Full Day
Presented in EN, subtitles in EN and FR
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Live Webinar - Also available: Digital Seminar


Normal Price:      $219.99 - Now:  $64.99 - Exclusive offer when combined with this live training.


Kids shouldn’t have to live in fear of retaliation, feel torn by loyalty, or experience sabotage from a coercive parent …

… But when their parent weaponizes them to get what they want, their sense of safety and identity becomes fractured, leaving them conflicted, anxious, and emotionally isolated.

But therapy can be a lifeline.

You can provide a safe haven where kids can learn essential tools to manage their emotions, foster connections that empower and uplift, set healthy boundaries and assert their needs confidently, and develop sound decision-making skills in age-appropriate ways.

Best of all, the therapeutic relationship serves as a powerful buffer against the long-term effects of these abusive dynamics.

And with the right support, children don’t have to continue facing the cycle of abuse they grew up with.

Led by Christine Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW, a renowned expert in domestic and narcissistic abuse, this powerful training will equip you with a comprehensive framework for recognizing and addressing the needs of children caught in this incredibly dangerous abuse cycle. You’ll learn:

  • Steps of coercive control within the family unit
  • Steps therapists can take when kids are weaponized in parental relationships
  • Top strategies to guide the non-coercive/safe parent in supporting their child’s healing
  • Evidence-based interventions for addressing trauma related to coercive control
  • Ethical and legal considerations related to working with children experiencing domestic abuse

Register today to gain the critical skills needed to address this life-altering form of generational trauma.



Canada Credit - CE Information Coming Soon

Continuing education credit information is coming soon for this live webcast.


Christine Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW's Profile

Christine Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW Related seminars and products

Christine Marie Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW, a college professor teaching social work for the last 20 years, has been a social justice advocate since the age of 19, volunteering for a local domestic violence/sexual assault agency. Her doctoral work focused on the experiences of adult and child victims of coercive control as a form of domestic violence. She understands the impact that coercive control has on adult and child victims and her expertise as a trauma trained therapist, a researcher, and a protective mother is focused on supporting these vulnerable populations.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Christine Cocchiola maintains a private practice and is CEO & President of Coercive Control Counseling, Inc. She has employment relationships with NYU Silver School of Social Work, UCONN School of Social Work, SCSU School of Social Work, and Naugatuck Valley Community College. She is the founding member of International Coercive Control Conference. Dr. Cocchiola receives royalties as a published author. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Christine Cocchiola is a Founding Member of the International Coercive Control Conference and a Board Member of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Additional Info

Program Information

Access Period for Live Webcast

For live CE credit, you must watch the live webcast in its entirety at its scheduled time and complete the CE quiz and evaluation within one week. You will have access for 90 days after the program for review.

Webcast Schedule

Please note: There will be one 15-minute break. A more detailed schedule is available upon request.


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  1. Compare the experiences of adult and child victims of coercive control.
  2. Identify the characteristics of abusive parents and the strategies used to harm children.
  3. Identify the psychological harms experienced by children living in abusive circumstances.
  4. Determine coping skills utilized by child victims of coercive control.
  5. Evaluate appropriate interventions to assist protective parents in supporting child victims of coercive control.


Unpacking Coercive Control
  • The foundation of domestic abuse
  • Abusers, victims, survivors
  • Recognize the signs of kids trapped in coercive control
  • The weaponization of children and teens
Children Trapped in Coercive Control
  • The dangers of parent-child relationship repair therapy
  • When kids are aligned with the abuser
  • Help kids recognize and respond to the abuse:
    • Validate emotional experiences
    • Foster self-advocacy and self-efficacy
    • Work with the supportive/protective parent to establish safe boundaries for themselves and their children
    • Limitations of the research and potential risks
Address The Fallout of Coercive Control
  • The layers of trauma
  • Unhealthy coping skills: hypervigilance, trauma responses, peace-keeping, internalizing and externalizing behaviors
  • Interventions for children
    • Narrative therapy
    • Real-life heroes
    • Attachment-based interventions
  • Working with teens
    • Radical acceptance
    • Establish healthy boundaries
    • Support critical thinking
    • Develop agency
  • Strategies to strengthen the bond with the protective parent
  • When abusers threaten the therapy process
  • Ethical and legal considerations

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Case Managers
  • Other Mental Health Professionals


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