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Live Webinar

Psychotherapy with Older Adults: Effective Assessment and Treatment Strategies to Serve an Aging Population

Katherine Dearborn King, PsyD
Full Day
Presented in EN, subtitles in EN and FR
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Media Type:
Live Webinar - Also available: Digital Seminar | Live Webinar  3


Normal Price:      $324.99 - Now:  $64.99 - Exclusive offer when combined with this live training.


Loss. Physical ailments. Regrets about the past. Anxiety about the future.

Often overlooked in clinical training, the needs of aging clients are unique...

...and while most mental health professionals don’t feel equipped to treat them, the truth is that you can easily supplement your existing skillset and expand your practice so that you can provide needed care for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, grief, and more in this rapidly growing yet profoundly underserved population.

Join Dr. Katherine King, geropsychology expert, to discover the latest evidence-based assessment approaches and intervention strategies to transform your practice with older adults. You’ll get the roadmap you need and the necessary skills to:

  • Differentiate depression from delirium and dementia – and address other common diagnostic challenges
  • Employ Life Review and Reminiscence Therapy, CBT, DBT, ACT, and IPT to support aging clients through life transitions, illness, and end-of-life issues
  • Identify legal aspects of serving older adults, such as recognizing elder abuse, financial exploitation, and self-neglect

REGISTER TODAY to gain the confidence you need to be ready to provide the best care possible for aging clients!


Program Information

Planning Committee Disclosure - No relevant relationships

All members of the PESI, Inc. planning committee have provided disclosures of financial relationships with ineligible organizations and any relevant non-financial relationships prior to planning content for this activity. None of the committee members had relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners.  For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.

Canada Credit - *

NOTE: Each purchase includes CE credit for one individual (participants in full attendance will be able to print the certificate of completion after passing the online post-test (80% passing score) and completing the evaluation). Instructional methods will include PowerPoint, didactic lecture, Q&A, and others.

Continuing Education Information: Credits listed below are for full attendance at the live, interactive webinar only. This webinar is being broadcast live in real-time and must be attended live, in its entirety, in order to earn credit. You will be able to type questions to the speaker. The speaker will see the questions and address them during the presentation as time allows. Please note, your licensing board dictates whether web-based activities are an acceptable form of continuing education, as well as which credit types are acceptable for continuing education hours. Please refer to your licensing board's rules and regulations. If your profession is not listed, please contact your licensing board to determine your continuing education requirements and check for reciprocal approval. For other credit inquiries not specified below, please contact or 800-844-8260 before the event.

Materials that are included in this course may include interventions and modalities that are beyond the authorized practice of your profession.  As a licensed professional, you are responsible for reviewing the scope of practice, including activities that are defined in law as beyond the boundaries of practice in accordance with and in compliance with your profession's standards.

For Planning Committee disclosures, please see the statement above.  For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.

Canada Credit - ---

Earn up to 6.25 CE hours. Please see below, for more details, as credit amounts vary by jurisdiction and profession. 

Canada Credit - Canadian Counsellors and Psychotherapists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association to offer continuing education for counsellors and psychotherapists. PESI, Inc. maintains responsibility for the program. This activity is approved for 6.0 credit hours.

Canada Credit - Social Workers - National ASWB ACE

PESI, Inc., #1062, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: January 27, 2023 - January 27, 2026. Social workers completing this course receive 6.25 Clinical continuing education credits.


Course Level: Intermediate Format: Synchronous distance.  Full attendance is required; no partial credits will be offered for partial attendance.


Canadian Social Workers: Canadian provinces may accept activities approved by the ASWB for ongoing professional development.

Canada Credit - Canadian Psychologists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. PESI, Inc. maintains responsibility for the program. This program is approved for 6.0 continuing education hours. Full credit statement at:

Canada Credit - Other Professions

This activity qualifies for 380 continuing education minutes as required by many national and local licensing boards and professional organizations. Save your activity advertisement and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific requirements. 

US National Boards - Addiction Counselors - NAADAC

This course has been approved by PESI, Inc., as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #77553. PESI, Inc. is responsible for all aspects of their programming.

This course offers 6.0 continuing education contact hours in the Counseling Services skill group. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance. 

US National Boards - Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Clinical Nurse Specialists – ANCC

PESI, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Nurses in full attendance will earn 6.0 contact hours. Partial contact hours will be awarded for partial attendance.


Katherine Dearborn King, PsyD's Profile

Katherine Dearborn King, PsyD Related seminars and products

Katherine King, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist with specialized experience in Geropsychology with a private practice in Massachusetts, where she sees older adults with a range of presenting concerns including depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, existential concerns, chronic illness, adjustment services, supervision, consultation, and professional training. Dr. King is an associate professor and the Geropsychology concentration director in William James College’s clinical psychology doctoral program, where she teaches Geropsychology, ethics, and cognitive-behavioral therapy and conducts research on death anxiety, gender/sexual/relationship diversity, and the mental health workforce shortage for older adults. Previously, she developed, chaired, and taught in the geriatric mental health concentration in Cambridge College’s graduate school of psychology and counselling. Dr. King has worked and trained in a variety of medical and mental health care settings, including inpatient psychiatry, primary care, palliative and hospice care, skilled nursing, home-based care, and elder protective services. She has provided clinical supervision and didactic training to doctoral students at numerous field training sites and is a member of the board of directors of the Massachusetts Gerontology Association and Council of Professional Geropsychology Training Programs. Dr. King completed her clinical psychology internship at Bedford VA Medical Center, a postdoctoral fellowship in Geropsychology at VA Boston Healthcare System, and Columbia University professional certificate in narrative medicine. Dr. King is a passionate advocate for the well-being of helping professionals and is working on a book to support burnout prevention and recovery. With past experience as a massage therapist and yoga teacher, along with over 20 years of Buddhist practice, Dr. King’s work is informed by a healthy respect for the mind-body connection. She co-hosts Noble Mind, a podcast on mindfulness and psychology where she interviews thought leaders such as Steven Hayes, Christopher Germer, Rick Hanson, and Deirdre Fay.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Katherine King maintains a private practice and has an employment relationship with the William James College. She is the co-host of Noble Mind Podcast. Katherine King receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Katherine King is a member of the Gerontological Society of America, the American Psychological Association, Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Massachusetts Gerontology Association, the Psychologists in Long-Term Care, and the Massachusetts Psychological Association. She is an ad hoc reviewer for Clinical Gerontologist.



Additional Info

Program Information

Access Period for Live Webcast

For live CE credit, you must watch the live webcast in its entirety at its scheduled time and complete the CE quiz and evaluation within one week. You will have access for 90 days after the program for review.

Webcast Schedule

Please note: There will be a 70-minute lunch and two 15-minute breaks; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Lunch and break times will be announced by the speaker and at their discretion. A more detailed schedule is available upon request.


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  1. Apply knowledge of psychosocial development to clinical work with older clients.
  2. Evaluate the impact of ageism, ableism, internalized stigma, and stereotype threat on older adults’ mental health.
  3. Conduct at least one short-term motivational interviewing or health psychology intervention to improve outcomes.
  4. Differentiate depression in older adults from delirium and dementia.
  5. Utilize at least three techniques from evidence-based psychotherapy approaches with older clients.
  6. Recognize signs of elder abuse, self-neglect, and financial exploitation.


Psychotherapy with Older Adults
Psychological, Biological, and Diversity Considerations

  • Important developmental stages and theories
  • Navigate retirement, grandparenting, and other transitions
  • Create continuing bonds in the face of grief
  • How to help older clients identify and utilize strengths
  • Medical problems and end-of-life issues
  • Common health disparities for those with marginalized identities
  • Impact of ageism, ableism, internalized stigma, and stereotype threat
  • Counteract myths regarding sexuality

Assessment Strategies with Older Adults
What to Look for and How to Look

  • Symptom profiles for depression and anxiety
  • Cognitive assessment tools and brain health
  • Differentiate delirium, dementia, and depression
  • Life changes that lead to adjustment disorder
  • Generational/cultural attitudes impacting trauma symptom disclosure
  • Substance abuse and medication misuse
  • Management of suicidality and aid-in-dying
  • Co-existing health conditions
  • Identification of medical/health distress
  • Risk factors - isolation, financial stress, and more
  • Intersectional and multicultural lens for case conceptualization
  • Case study

Evidence-Based Treatment for Depression, Anxiety, Adjustment Disorders, and Trauma

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

  • Core DBT skills for life changes, losses, and health challenges
  • Interpersonal effectiveness to reduce isolation
  • Improve challenging relationship dynamics

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Explore common existential themes
  • Cognitive defusion and valued action to cope with medical problems
  • Values identification and commitment

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Activity scheduling and behavioral interventions
  • Common cognitive distortions related to pain, aging, loss
  • Effective exposure-based trauma therapy
  • Group CBT to reduce isolation, and stigma

Interpersonal Therapy

  • Grief, role disputes and transitions, and interpersonal deficits
  • Effective communication skills for aging clients
  • Teach perspective-taking

Life Review and Reminiscence Therapy

  • Structured approach to identify meaning
  • Positive themes of resiliency and mastery
  • Interventions to reduce bitterness
  • Group therapy to form bonds

Additional Clinical Considerations

  • Recognize elder abuse, financial exploitation, and self-neglect
  • Special considerations for LGBTQIA+
  • Involvement of family members in treatment
  • Examine therapist biases and countertransference
  • How to remain in the role of therapist when case management is also needed
  • Coordinate care with co-providers
  • Psychopharmacology: important considerations regarding cognitive side effects
  • How to work with cognitive decline, pain, and physical needs
  • Essential motivational interviewing and health psychology interventions
  • Behavioral interventions to help with dementia
  • Tips to make your practice older adult friendly
  • Navigate systems of care, Medicare, telehealth
  • Limitations of the research and potential risks

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Other Mental Health Professionals
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Nurses


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